Think & Grow Rich


Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill 

The world's most remarkable formula for success. 
This book has sold over twenty million copies worldwide. The classic of classics on the subject of personal achievement, it has helped literally millions of people to lead richer, fuller lives, to attain career advancement, to improve personal relationships, to define true joy in life, and frequently to build substantial monetary wealth as well. 

Best of all, you will learn that there are no prerequisites for achieving unlimited success. The principles can be applied by any individual in any occupation, at any age, regardless of your economic circumstance. Think and Grow Rich is so powerful that you will appreciate its message the moment you begin to apply its principles.

Napoleon Hill

Get your book to join this upcoming book club by Zeudi Glaudemans

Event Details

The next book club session will start on Thursday 23rd June. We will come together on Zoom to discuss the chosen reading material from AST 08:15 AM to 09:15 AM. The book club costs USD 150 (ANG 270) for 13 weeks. 5% of your investment will be donated to charity. This fee will be paid to The Mastermind Bookclub directly not Mensing's Caminada

(book not included)

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