Welke planner past het beste bij jou?
Het nieuwe jaar is gestart; heb jij ook nieuwe voornemens in gedachten? Zaken die je zou willen bereiken zowel op persoonlijk als op zakelijk gebied? Maar hoe ga je dit vastleggen en ordenen? Hoe ga je ervoor zorgen dat je deze nieuwe voornemens daadwerkelijk gaat omzetten in acties en je daardoor je doelen ook daadwerkelijk gaat bereiken in 2019? Om je te helpen om de juiste keuze te maken hebben wij een aantal planners op een rij gezet zodat je een overzicht hebt van wat er allemaal op Curaçao beschikbaar is en welke het beste bij jou past.
1. Planboek
Een geweldig planboek, A4 formaat, met 108 pagina's, genaaid gebonden, om alles in te plannen, met een handige TO DO lijst en WRITE IT DOWN! Elke pagina heeft een inspirerende quote! Door de nieuwe bindwijze kan de planner helemaal goed open liggen, dat schrijft zoveel beter!
2. Weekplanners
Dit is een handige weekplanner. Hij is niet te groot (10 x 21 cm) en kan dus gemakkelijk mee in je tas. In deze weekplanner kan je eenvoudig de maand omcirkelen en de data invullen. Superhandig om even de week in te vullen of juist iets bij te houden, zoals je afspraken, workshops, events of zelfs je voeding. De planner heeft 50 vellen, je kunt dus zo goed als een heel jaar vooruit en heb je vakantie of een weekje geen zin om te plannen, dan sla je het even over!
Een geweldige maar simpele A5 planner in een handig formaat met een Wire-O. Aan het begin van de planner staan de maanden van het jaar om belangrijke data in te vullen. Verder kun je de planner helemaal zelf invullen. Met een handige TO DO en Don't Forget en de doelen die je die week wilt behalen + de stappen die je moet ondernemen om deze doelen te behalen!
Als je niet weet waar je naar toe gaat, kun je er ook niet komen. Daarom kun je elke 2 weken in deze planner je doelen duidelijk opschrijven en omschrijven en de stappen die hiervoor nodig zijn. Zo kom je verder en dichterbij je doel!
3. Family Planner
Wie moet waarheen en wanneer? Deze handig family planner zorgt ervoor dat er geen dubbele afspraken worden gemaakt en iedereen weet waar ze aan toe zijn. Gebruik voor elk familie lid een kleur in de planner dan heb je in 1 oogopslag een overzicht van wat er moet gebeuren.
4. The Happiness Planner®
The Happiness Planner® is a planner designed to help you not only plan and manage your schedules & to-do lists, but also live a truly happy and fulfilled life by creating a life in alignment with who you are and embracing the power of positive thinking, mindfulness, gratitude and self-development.
Our thought patterns, emotional patterns, habits, mindset, and beliefs cannot be changed overnight after reading a motivational book or having gone to a personal development conference. This is why we created The Happiness Planner®, a tool designed to help you become more self-aware and cultivate new positive patterns on a daily basis - over and over - until they go into your subconscious mind and become part of who you are.
The practices in The Happiness Planner® will help you practice good habits, adopt a positive and grateful attitude, and build introspection into your routine. By focusing on making each day a positive experience, you will not only become happier & more mindful, but also more self-aware. This step is crucial in helping you spot your patterns and set goals that will make you feel truly fulfilled.
The Happiness Planner® also helps you break your long-term professional & personal goals into short-term goals & actionable plans that you can keep track of. By taking it one day at a time, you can slowly become the master of your own mind and write your own destiny.
Mastering happiness & success - one day at a time!
5. The Productivity Planner
Do you often find yourself busy, while more important tasks get procrastinated on? The Productivity Planner helps you prioritize and accomplish the vital few tasks that make your day satisfying. Quality over quantity. Combined with the Pomodoro Technique to help you avoid distractions, the Productivity Planner assists you to get better work done in less time.
- PROVEN PRODUCTIVITY FORMAT: The Productivity Planner is based on historical leading Productivity Principles and Supported Goals Research that are proven to increase productivity.
- GET FOCUSED. BEAT PROCRASTINATION: Stay clear of distractions with the Productivity Planner's simple focused Pomodoro style work system.
- BECOME MORE PRODUCTIVE DAILY: Rate your productivity at the end of each day and become more effective day by day.
- WEEKLY PLANNING / REVIEW: Stay on top of your weekly goals and review what happened each week. Everything is non-dated so you do not waste pages like most planners. Includes 5-day pages per week.
- GUARANTEED TO INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY OR YOUR MONEY BACK: The Productivity Planner is Guaranteed to work or your money back! If you do not absolutely love the Productivity Planner, return it and we will issue you a full refund (or replace it if there's a problem).
6. The Desire Map Planner by Danielle Laporte
Everything you create starts with an intention—and The Desire Map Planner is a tool for your intentionality. It’s equal parts introspection, life designer, gratitude journal, and scheduler. It’s a holistic system to help you design a life that reflects your true desires.
This is the only planner around with a companion program to help you get clarity on how you want to feel—your Core Desired Feelings—AND make a mindful plan to achieve it. The Desire Map Planner Program comes with the purchase of every planner. Here’s how it works:
- FREE & CLEAR | Workbook 1: Get grounded before you set goals and intentions. Examine your strengths and delights, then say goodbye to what’s really not working for you.
- CORE DESIRED FEELINGS | Workbook 2: Generate a vision for a life that’s aligned with how you really want to feel.
- GOALS WITH SOUL | Workbook 3: Choose intentions that feel authentic to you—in sync with your Core Desired Feelings.
...and because Desire Mapping is a lifestyle practice, you’ll receive weekly guidance and a monthly workbook (by email) to keep you supported and present with your Core Desired Feelings and intentions.
The DAILY Planner is perfect if you thrive on details and want more space to track all the moving parts of your life. This Soul-centered planning system is for seekers who want a life with more meaningfulness, and courage, and devotion to the sacred—where your heart meets your head and your Soul directs your goals.
7. The High Performance planner by Brendon Burchard
This combination planner-and-journal helps readers strategize their lives and increase their performance via writing prompts, self-assessments, and calendars--all backed by science and the author's 20 years coaching the highest performers in business, athletics, entertainment, and beyond.
The High Performance Planner is a 2-in-1 day planner and journal based on the world's largest study of how high performers increase productivity, set goals, prioritize projects, outperform their peers, and create the positive mindset and habits needed to win the day.
Through morning mindset journal prompts, daily goal boxes, evening scorecards, weekly habit assessments, monthly project planning, and proprietary whole life balance sheets, the Planner helps you think more strategically, prioritize like a pro, achieve your goals faster, and become more focused, happy, and productive.
Best of all, the Planner helps you install the personal and professional habits proven to lead to long-term success. That's what it's all about. Best-selling author Brendon Burchard says, "High performance means succeeding over the long term without compromising your health or positive relationships." This Planner helps you do that by accounting for your entire life's progress, not just your daily to-dos.
The High Performance Planner was created and field tested by Brendon Burchard, the world's leading high performance coach and a #1 New York Times best-selling author, whose books include The Motivation Manifesto, The Charge, and Life's Golden Ticket. His pioneering research with the High Performance Institute led to Amazon's Top 3 Business & Leadership Book of 2017, High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way.
8. The Successful Woman Planner by Valorie Burton Planner
Plan for Success! Would you like to live a fuller, happier, more productive life? Let bestselling author and life coach Valorie Burton show you how with this innovative planner designed to help you set goals, prioritize your time, and manage your busy schedule. Much more than just a calendar, inside you'll discover hundreds of helpful tips, checklists, motivators, and action points to keep you on track and encouraged. The full-color, beautifully designed interior is in a non-dated 12-month format, allowing you freedom and flexibility to start at any time. So, what are you waiting for? Let this planner keep you organized and headed toward success!
9. Spiritual Journal and Planner by Jason Stonehouse
Use this journal to track your spiritual journey. Features 'make today amazing' in rose gold foil and has bible verse Jeremiah 17:7-8 on the inside cover. Features 4 tabbed sections to help organize your thoughts.
Tabbed pages include: 12 month perpetual calendar / activity / development / inspiration + notes.
12 month perpetual calendar / activity / development / inspiration + notes
Size: 8.75 x 10.75 inches
Special features: rose gold foil, tabbed sections, soft touch hard cover
This Journal is inspired by Jason Stonehouse, Author of SOMETHING MORE.
Deze planners zijn allemaal te koop bij Mensing's Caminada. Maak een keuze uit de planners en begin 2019 goed georganiseerd!